1.6   Data tree


The data tree is a handy tool that allows you to quickly see the files you have open at that time. You can also manage the files that you have stored on your computer or in connected devices. Press the button  to make appear the data tree.



Right-clicking on elements of the data tree you can access many functions. For example, if you do right click on an open file and select 'Zoom here', it will focus the selected object on the main window.


Another option to have in mind are the checkboxs that accompany the maps, tracks, waypoints, routes and photos on the data tree. This instrument is useful if you want to hide one or several elements. Thus, by clicking on each checkbox the user will hide the layer (not delete).


The user can also 'Hide all' the listed items at once. ‘Hide all’ can be used in reverse when all the elements are hidden to become all visible.