The functions of Land/Air can be divided into:
• Basic functions (free): These functions are always available in the software, although you have not purchased a license. Just register as a user of Land/Air.
• Advanced functions (license): Are not free, but they can be ested for free during 30 days.
The basic activation (free) will allow you to access the basic functions without limit of time and the advanced functions, for a trial period of 30 days.
You can access the advanced functions, with no time limit, using a Land/Air standard license, which unlocks all the advanced functions (except AutoCAD module).
You can also unlock the advanced features by blocks (modules), so that you only purchase the set of functions of interest. Modules of advanced functions available:
• Communication: Module that allows the connection with a GPS to send and receive information: Waypoints, routes and tracks.
• Map tools: Allows to manage all types of raster maps (topographic, orthophotos) or elevation (*.CDEM) to provide maps that best fits the needs of the user (calibrate, import, merge, split maps...).
• Track manager: Module that allows working with tracks through multiple tools. Create tracks, apply all sorts of changes, and store them in a trackbook.
• 3D: To prepare (creating waypoints and routes, simulator...) or revive (animation) your experiences using our latest generation 3D engine.
• Navigation: This module lets you use the navigation functions live (before called ‘Moving map’) to see our position on the map, see the movement variables, save the track done...
• FotoGPS: Synchronize, by the hour, the photos from a digital camera to track points, made during the same outdoor activity, georeferencing *.JPEG files and placing them on the map.
• Vector map ddit: You can create your own vector maps and edit them in the most comfortable and fast way. Land/Air is one of the best vector maps editors on the market.
• AutoCAD: Add compatibility to Vector map edit module for read the *.DXF and *.DWG formats. This plugin is already installed. No download is required.