3.4.3   Operations to handle graphics


The buttons that allow you to operate with a graphic are situated in the top part of the graphics window. These are the tools available:


     3D Viewer: Click on this button for a tri-dimensional representation of the graphic. This option allows you to view the graphic from different perspectives. To do this you will have to activate the Movement tool, and then you will be able to move the graphic around using any of these processes:


     When you hold down the left button of the mouse and move it at the same time, you will be able to move the graphic up, down, left or right.


     When you hold down the right button of the mouse and move it at the same time, you will be turning the graphic around on it’s own axel so you will obtain different perspectives of it.


     Zoom: When you click on the  button you will move nearer to the graphic; when you click on the  button you will move away from it.


     Zoom X: Only horizontal axis is zoomed. This zoom mode has no effect on vertical axis (Y).


     Zoom Y: Only vertical axis is zoomed. This zoom mode has no effect on horizontal axis (X).


     https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=07c43666e3&view=att&th=13dac03b076de6af&attid=0.1.1&disp=emb&zw&atsh=1 Zoom XY: Both axes are zoomed proportionally.


     Zoom window: Activate this tool if you want to zoom in on a certain area of the graphic then, while you hold down the left button of the mouse, select the area you want to zoom in on. When you let go of the left button, the area you had marked will enlarge and occupy the available space of the graphic.


     See all: This tool allows you to re-establish the original zoom. In this way the entire graphic will again be in view on the screen.


     Movement: When you activate this button you will be able to move the graphic in any direction while you hold down the left hand button of the mouse and you move it at the same time.


NOTE: The 3D Viewer mode also allows you to change the perspective of the graphic if you click the right hand button of the mouse and move it at the same time.


     Activate selection mode: Activate this mode and you will be able to select a part of the track (hold down the left hand button and drag the mouse) and create a subtrack with this selection. You can carry out several operations with the subtrack, with independence of the rest of the original track (analysis, eliminate, save or zoom on screen). Read the chapter Context menu of a graphic for full information.


     Legend: A new window will appear to the right of the graphic when you activate this option. This window will explain to you what are the elements that appear on the screen.


     Print: Click on this button and select the printing option in order to print the graphic. Sometimes, due to copyright, is not possible to print a map, in that case the user will get a message telling him which map caused the infraction.


Two more tools will be available if you have more than one active item:


     Choose track to be represented: You can choose if you want to represent all the active tracks/routes/e-Roadbooks or only the element you have selected at the time.


     Separate graphics: If more than one element being represented at the same time, you can choose if you want to view them in the same graphic or in different graphics.


NOTE: Once you are navigating a track/route/e-Roadbook you will see the difference between an active element and the non-active elements. The active one has a different on-screen display. Usually, the active item has a notable thickness and a different colour to make it different from the rest.