5.1   General configuration


In this section (‘File > Options > General’) the user can configure several general options:


     Reload data when restarting: The user will be able to work directly with the elements that left open last time he used Land/Air.


     Run program in…: If selected, Land/Air is displayed as full screen at startup.


     Check for new versions at start.


     Mouse wheel direction: Depending on the software, mouse wheel’s direction may be different. In Land/Air the user has the option to choose the direction that he wants to use: forward or reverse direction.


     Return to default: In case you want to return to the initial configuration.


     Configure status bar: In order to display different information such as: time, track speed, coordinates, track altitude, course... Follow these instructions to display the different function fields on the bar:


1.   Open the configuration window by clicking on ‘Configuration Lower bar’, or otherwise click directly on the lower status bar with the right-hand button of the mouse and select the option ‘Configuration Lower bar’ (selecting the option type of coordinates you will be able to chose the type of coordinates you want).


2.   To choose the fields that will be displayed, carry out any of the following operations:


     In the ‘Select fields’ window, choose the function that you want to include (from the column ‘Choose fields’) or choose the function that you want to remove (from the column ‘Fields available’). Between these two columns there are two arrows, click on the arrow pointing right to add the field to the bar or click on the arrow pointing left to remove a field.


     In the ‘Select fields’ window, choose a function and drag it (click the left button of the mouse and hold it down while you move) to ‘Available fields’ (to discard the field) or to ‘Selected fields’ (to include the field).