Land/Air can open maps in a variety of digital formats: *.ECW, *.BMP, *.JPG, *.TIF, *.TIFF, *.PNG, *.MAP, *.SID, *.GEO, *.KAP, *.E00, *.JP2, *.MAPPOINT, *.SIGPAC, *.DBX, *.SHP, *.DGN, *.MIF, *.TAB, *.DRG, *.APRS, *.WGOM, *.CWMS, *.SIGPAC, *.IMP, *.RMAP, *.MPV, *.MPVF, *.HMAP, *.DXF, *.DWG (the latter two require AutoCAD plugin). If you have maps in any of these formats, you can open either directly or by using the ‘Import maps’ option.
Although image formats such as JPG or BMP are compatible with Land/Air, it is recommended not to use these kinds of files, due to management of files too big can make Land/Air slow down the process and may even close the maps that were previously opened. The solution is to convert these images with calibration to *.RMAP format, which allows you to work only with the area you are viewing and then save memory.
3D maps (relief) have their own formats. Land/Air is compatible with the following: *.DEM (Digital Elevation Model), *.CDEM (this is a CompeGPS own format, similar to *.DEM but with higher compression ratios), *. 3DR (a CompeGPS custom format composed of contour lines of topographic maps), *.3DR, *.HDR, *.DAT and *.HGT.