This tool allows you to open a map whenever you already have a reference point on the screen (a track, a waypoint, another map…). Read chapter Configurating working folders to establish where you want Land/Air to look for the available maps. To use this option, proceed as follows:
1. Open any reference (track, map, waypoint…) you want on the empty screen.
2. Click with right-hand button of the mouse on the point where you want to open the map. This point can be located on the track, on the map or on the empty screen.
3. In the open window, click on the function ‘Seek best map here’. Land/Air will automatically open the map with best resolution for the point you are situated on.
NOTE: Same option can be used by opening the contextual menu on the main application window.
IMPORTANT: If you click with the right-hand button of the mouse anywhere on the screen you will be given the option to draw borders of all maps. Land/Air will show you the borders of the available maps.