This option allows you to look on the Internet for the best map for the area you are working with. To do this, follow these instructions: Open any reference (track, map, waypoint…) you like onto the empty screen.
1. Click on the button that you will find on the tool bar. You
can also do this by opening the label maps on the main menu and then selecting
the option ‘Download Internet map for this area’. The window that opens
will show you all the maps available on the webs consulted by Land/Air
(remember that you must be connected to the Internet for this tool to work). A
window will open showing you a series of links (sorted by supplier, resolution,
map, map type, geographic location...) on which you must click to get the
product (remember that you must have an Internet connection to work with this
NOTE: Please note that some links are ‘Buy’ products and others are ‘open’ products. The first ones are payable maps. Look at the ‘Price’ column of the window to find out the cost. The latter ones are free maps.
2. Select the map you want to use and download it directly (click on the button ‘Download map’) or through the suppliers’ website (click on the button ‘Go to web-site’ and follow the steps given there). The option that you will have to take depends on the map you choose and the button that appears in the bottom left corner (Download map or ‘Go to web-site’), this button will change automatically depending on the option available according to the map you have chosen.