Fix a virtual location somewhere is to virtually replace the current position of the user for a new position in the map. In order to anchor a position apply any of these options:
•'Main Window > Contextual menu > Anchor here'
•'Data tree > Item > Contextual menu of a waypoint > Anchor here'
Once fixed, the information displayed on data fields as well
as in 2nd information line (list of elements) is based according to the new
anchored position, and not on the real position of the user (for example:
proximity data field). Moreover, if 'Anchor here' is pinned, options such
as 'Recenter map' are applied to the anchored waypoint instead of the
current position of the user (to recenter the map press 'Re-center' button at the
toolbar). In order to restore the current position as the default one, apply the
same option to unpin the fixation.