7.6   Context menu of a map


The context menu of a map appears whenever you double click on any point of the map. The context menu offers you the possibility of operating the following functions:


     Create a waypoint here: Create a waypoint on the chosen point of the map.


     Start a new route here: Allows you to create a new route starting on this waypoint. To add new waypoints, hold down the key ‘Control’.


     Search: By selecting this option, a dialog box will be opened in which you will be able to perform various actions.


     Map coordinates of the exact point that you just pressed are presented.


     Selectable elements (remote and local maps, reliefs, tracks, routes and waypoints) are presented at ‘What to search...’ section. The user is able to filter the search according to several preferences.


     Results for the selected point will be searched inside default folders (‘File > Options > Folders’). Among other information, results will be presented with name, location, scale as well as a preview picture of the map.


     Internet maps for this zone can be downloaded by clicking at ‘Download internet a map for this area’.


     By clicking OK, you will open the selected item from the list. Click ‘Cancel’ to exit the research.


     Seek best map here: Automatically looks for the map with best definition for the point you have chosen on the present map.


     View list of maps for this point: Shows you the list of maps that you have available for the point you have chosen.


     Close map: Closes the map belonging to the context menu.


     View frames of all maps: This option allow you to view the outlines of all the maps that you have stored in the folder situated in first place in the field “Map Folder” in the Folder section of the options windows.


NOTE: At least one object has to be open in order to be able to use this function (a map, a track, a landscape or a waypoint). Whenever you select or un-select this option, your choose will be established as a default value within the configuration of Land/Air.


     Send a map to CompePocket: Send a map to the related program CompePocket.


‘Multimaps, advanced…’: This section allows you to access the following options:


     Transparencies: The window that appears when you select this option will allow you to regulate the level of transparency of the map you are working with.


     Establish as primary map


     Bring forward: This option places the map in the foreground so it is not covered by any other map.


     Send behind: This option moves the map to the lowest position underneath the other maps that you have loaded at the time.


     List of maps in the memory: Access a list of these maps.


     Revise calibration of the map: You can access to this function even if you have other maps open at the same time.


     Edit a vectorial map: Open the vectorial map edition bar.


     Store map as: This option allows you to store the map choosing the folder and the name of the map.


     Layer administrator: Access this vectorial map tool.


     Move the calibration of the map: Write an X value (abscissas) and a Y value (ordinates) to touch up the calibration of the map


NOTE: For further detailed information about these options read the relevant chapters.


     Properties of a map: To see the properties of the map window.


     Draw 3D landscapes: If you activate this option you will be able to see the 3D landscapes in 2D on the main screen (as if they were a map). If you un-select this option, you will have to go to the 3D viewer to see a landscape.


     3D landscape viewing options: To open the window with the landscape’s options.


     Create a 2D map: Pulsando este botón se podrá guardar una copia del relieve pero en formato 2D (como un mapa normal sin alturas). Clicking this button you can save a copy of the relief but in 2D format (like a normal map without heights).


     Repair *.CDEM holes


     Move the relief: Entering a value in X (abscissa) and one in Y (coordinates) it retouches the calibration of the map.


     Create outlines