8.1.2   Track formats


There are a lot of track formats and extensions. Land/Air allows to work with many of them:


     *.TRK (CompeGPS own track format)


     *.BTRK (binary *.TRK, which can include attachments, compress more the data and have quicker access)


     *.IGC (International Gliding Comission format)


     *.FIT (Garmin Edge GPS)


     *.GPX (GPS Exchange File)




     *.KMZ (Google Earth Track File)


     *.PLT (formato de OZI)


     *.CMP (Brauniger format)


     *.LOG (Magellan Tracklogs)


     *.NMEA (NMEA logs)


It is also possible to import tracks in *.TXT or *.CSV format.