8.2.8   Track animation


Land/Air can animate one or several tracks at the same time. The animation can be done at the same speed the track was recorded at or it can be accelerated. The animations can be viewed on the 2D or the 3D window. In both cases the functioning of the windows are the same.


The animation tool bar will also automatically displayed if you save a track as web page. Remember! If you are working with a track that you have created artificially, it possibly will not have stored time data. This means that this track cannot be animated unless to assign a time reading for each point of the track. To do this, use the tool ‘Assign time and speed’ that you will find in the track’s context menu.


Land/Air features 7 buttons to control animations, 3 of them appear as default values on the tool bar:


     706-Play Play: Starts up the animation


     708-Stop Stop: Stops the animation


     707-Pause Pause: Freezes the animation without stopping it


The other 4 buttons can be added onto the bar using the options available in the section ‘Keys & Buttons’ of the configuration window. These buttons allow you to:


  Rewind: Runs the track quickly in the other direction. To exit the ‘Rewind’ mode, click again on the button ‘Play’


  Fast forward: Accelerates the animation. Click again on ‘Play’ to return to the normal speed


  Rw to previous sector


  FF to next sector


Once you are navigating a track you will see the difference between an active track and the other tracks. The active one has a different on-screen display. Usually, the active track has a notable thickness and a different colour to make it different from the rest.


NOTE: You can also access these buttons from the section ‘Animation’ from the ‘Tracks’ menu, which you will find on the main menu.


If you want to animate one or several tracks from the beginning, proceed as follows


1.   Open the track or tracks that you want to animate.


2.   Click on the button 706-Play that you will find on the tool bar. The animation will start from the beginning of the track.


To animate a track from a certain point, proceed as follows:


1.   Use the right-hand button of the mouse to click on the point from where you want to start the animation.


2.   Select the context menu option ‘Play here’. The animation will start up from the point you have selected.


If you open a track as a web page, the animation tool bar will also open up but, in this case, a few more buttons will be available:


  706-Play Play: Starts up the animation.


  708-Stop Stop: Stops the animation.


  707-Pause Pause: Freezes the animation without stopping it.


  Move to start: The animation goes to the start point.


  Move to end: The animation moves to the last point.


  Rewind: One click on this button and the animation will jump one step back. To go further back, click on this button several times.


  Forward: One click on this button and the animation will jump one step forward. To go further forward, click on this button several times.


  Loop mode: if you select this mode, the animation will automatically start again when it reaches the end of the track.


  Speed: this window will allow you to choose the speed at which you want the animation to move at. The bracket goes from +50 (50 times quicker than the speed at which the track was recorded) to –50 (reverse viewing of the track at 50 times the speed it was recorded). The speed 1 is the speed at which the track was recorded.