Right click on the track book to access these functions:
• Open track: Right click on any track and select this option to open it.
• Properties of track: To open the window to view the properties of the track.
• Eliminate track: To remove a track from the track book.
• Add track: To select a track that you have stored in your computer and include it in the track book.
• Add an excursion without track: To create a section without tracks in the track book.
• Select fields: To choose the information about each track that you will be able to see when you open a track book. To do this select a field and use the arrows pointing right or left to add it or remove it from the selected fields. Click on the arrows pointing up or down to change the order in which you will see the fields.
• Export the table to a web page: To introduce name and address to store the file in *.HTML format with information on the track book.
• Statistics
graph bar: This option allows you to view information about the
tracks in the book in a bar graph. Select the information that you want to see
from the window that will open. To modify the information without leaving this
window, click on the button .