8.8   Track’s contextual menu


The track context menu appears when you click anywhere on the track with the right hand button of the mouse. The context menu gives you quick access to many functions you can work with:


     Create waypoint here: Creates a waypoint on the point you are.


     Open best map here: Opens the map with best resolution for that area.


     Track properties: Opens the track properties window for the open track.


     List of points: Opens a list of all the points that make up the track.


     Edit track: Opens the track edition bar.


     Edit track point: Opens the point edition window.


     Close track: Removes the track from the screen.


     Save track: Saves the track.


     Save track as: This option allows you to store the track with a new name and also to choose the format in which you want to store it: *.TRK or *.IGC.


     Store track in track book: Stores the track in the track book.


     Send to:


     Send track to GPS: load the track onto you GPS.


     Send to Pocket: sends the track to the competition program for Pocket.


     Send via Email: This option opens an E-mail with your predetermined mail account and attaches the track file.




     Properties of this leg: This leg allows you to define different aspects such as: colour, thickness and style and you can add a comment.


     Change leg here: Defines a new separation point between legs. You can create a new leg by splitting in two an existing leg or a whole track.


     Eliminate this leg: Eliminate the track points you have marked. As a result the remaining points will be joined together with a straight line without track points.




     Eliminate a point: Eliminates the track point that you have clicked on.


     Situate start of subtrack here: Situates the start point of a Subtrack.


     Situate end of subtrack here: Situates the final point of a Subtrack.


     Analysis of a subtrack: Analyses the Subtrack you have selected.


     Eliminate subtrack: Eliminates the selected Subtrack.


     Save subtrack as: Stores the selected Subtrack as if it were an independent track.


     Subtrack graph: Opens the graph window and shows the Subtracks graphs.


     Gradate colour of track: This option allows you to choose the type of gradate according to your needs. You can choose the measurement variation range by right clicking on the reference bar and selecting Select range from this value. You can re-introduce the maximum and/or minimum marking the correct box.


     Play here: To start the animation at this point.


     Graph window: To open the track’s graph window.




     Close all except this one: To close all tracks except the track you have selected.


     Move the track: To move the track changing its coordinates and time.


     Calculate altitude over ground level for each point: If you have loaded a 3D landscape, you can assign an altitude value to each point of the track. Once you have done this you will receive the message ‘Altitude readings for this track have been imported’.


     Import pulsometer data from another file: To include pulse readings, obtained by a different instrument, to the track’s properties.


     Divide track into several tracks: To divide the track you have downloaded as a single track from your GPS into several independent tracks.


     Eliminate stationary points at the beginning and end: To remove the repetitive points at the beginning and end of the track.


     Reduce number of points: You will be asked to indicate a number of points and then the track will be re-drawn maintaining the same form as best possible but using only the number of points you have written.


     Assign time and speed: To assign a departure time and a constant speed to a track so that Land/Air can calculate the time to be assigned to each point of the track.


     Eliminate abnormal points: To remove any point that is situated too far away from the rest of the track, in which case it is considered to be an error.


     Modify the starting point of a track: The user is able to choose the starting point of a track, this point will be fixed as the origin of the track.