9.2.2   Create and edit a waypoint


The easiest way to create a waypoint is using the context menu; follow these instructions:


1.   Open a map, track or another reference.


2.   Right click on the point where you want to create the waypoint. The context menu will open.


3.   Choose the option ‘Create a waypoint here’. The properties window will open. The relevant information about the coordinates of the new waypoint will already be filled in (including the altitude reading, if you also have a landscape loaded).


4.   Fill in the other properties fields as you wish. Read the chapter waypoint properties for an explanation about these fields.


You can also create a waypoint from the main menu selecting the menu option ‘Waypoints > New waypoint’. The properties window will open now as well, but the coordinates that are given belong to the coordinates of the centre of the screen, so you will have to manually introduce the exact coordinates of the waypoint you want to create. If you have selected the menu option without any element open on the screen, the coordinate’s fields will be blank.


To edit a waypoint open the properties window and double click on the field that you want to modify and carry out the modification. If you want to keep these modifications available for future work, you will have to store the waypoint file.