9.3   List of open waypoints


The list of open waypoints shows you a list of all the waypoints that you have loaded on the screen together will a few of their basic properties: Icon, short name, description, coordinates (UTM and Latitude/Longitude), altitude. These properties can be modified by opening the list of open waypoints context menu and by selecting the option ‘Select fields’.


To reach the list of open waypoints select the menu option ‘Waypoints > List of Waypoints’. The list of open waypoints window allows you to carry out any of these operations:


     New: Opens the properties window to create a new waypoint. Read Properties of a waypoint.


     Edit: Allows you to view and modify information regarding a waypoint.


     Eliminate: To eliminate any waypoint you do not want.


     Print: To print the waypoints list.


     Zoom here: When you click on this option, Land/Air will look for and view the waypoint you have chosen.


     Save: To save the changes you have made, over-writing the original file.


     Save as: To save the changes you have made in a new file that you will have give a name to.