9.4.2   Properties of a concrete waypoint


When you open the ‘Properties of a waypoint’ window you will be able to see the different characteristics of your waypoints. To reach the Properties window open the context window, to do this right click on the waypoint in the main window or in the data tree and select ‘Properties’.


From you can also view the properties of the other waypoints inside that file by clicking on the arrows in the top right hand part of the window. The two figures located between the arrows indicate the waypoints position with respect to the total number of waypoints.


All the waypoints properties can be edited by double click on top of them. These are the properties that you will be shown:


  Short name: This is the waypoint’s reference name.


  Description: You can introduce a brief description or commentary about the waypoint. This description will appear on the screen below the name of the waypoint.


  Type of font: Choose the font you want to use for the name and the description.


  Icon: Allows you to choose the type of icon you want to represent the waypoint from the options given in the fold-down window.


  Coordinates: You can view and change the waypoint’s coordinates.


  Place name: A geoposition is displayed showing the exact address of the waypoint location (vectorial map needed).


  Zoom level: This option allows you to set the zoom point from when on you will no longer see the waypoint when you zoom out on the image. For example, if you fix the zoom level value at 500 m/pixel, your waypoint will stop being visible whenever we zoom out on the map further than 500m/pixel. In brackets along side each scale reading there is an indication telling you if the waypoint will be visible or invisible for that scale zoom reading on the main screen. If you choose the option ‘Always visible’ that waypoint will always be visible regardless of the scale you are using on the map. This option is very useful to avoid crowding the screen with waypoint names when you view a large extension of terrain, program only one waypoint to act as a reference waypoint to a larger group by making it ‘Always visible’.


  Altitude: Indicates the waypoint’s altitude over sea level.


  Colour of the text: Allows you to choose the colour of the name and description of the waypoint.


  Colour of the background: Allows you to choose the colour of the background of the name and description. You can choose ‘Transparent’ if you do not want a background.


  Position of the text: This option allows you to choose on which side of the waypoint you want the name and description to appear.


  Proximity: If you are navigating, this value will indicate the distance between your present position and the waypoint.


  Radius: This value establishes the width of the radius you want to apply around the waypoint to consider that you have actually reached it.


  Associations: You can associate any type of file (normally icons, images or sounds) to a waypoint. To do this, open the association’s window by double clicking on this property option and then click on ‘Add’. Now just choose the type of file you want to add and then the file in question. To open an associated file just right click on it in the Associations window then select ‘Open’. Whenever you associate a file to a waypoint a new option will be included in the waypoint context menu: ‘Open associated file: nameoftheassociatedfile’. You can also open it by double clicking on the waypoint.


NOTE: Land/Air allows the possibility to present on waypoints lists extra information related to these elements such as date, distance, height, relative bearing arrow, track color.... The information is presented in a 2nd line right after the name of the item and it can be customized showing multi-selectable data fields ('File > Options > Display > Data tree'). The data contained in the 2nd line is only available for waypoints which have been saved using TwoNav 2.5 or Land/Air 7.3 (or higher).