9.5   Context menu of a waypoint


The context menu of a waypoint appears when we right click on any waypoint. The context menu offers you the possibility of using the following functions:


  Seek best map here: This option automatically looks for the map with best definition for the chosen point.


  Properties: To open the properties window of the waypoint. Read Waypoint properties window.


  Eliminate a waypoint: To eliminate the selected waypoint .


  GOTO this waypoint: This option allows you to establish a certain waypoint as the destination point when we are working with navigation.


  Send this waypoint to a GPS: To send the selected waypoint to a GPS you have connected to the computer. A window will appear to keep you informed of the status of the waypoint transfer.


  Start new route here: Allows you to create a new route starting from this waypoint. To add new waypoints, hold down the Ctrl key.


  Open associated file: This option will only be available if you have associated a file to the waypoint. In this is the case the associated file (normally an image) will open in a small window when you click on this option.