4.5.1   Live broadcast



Usefulness of live broadcasts


Discover the multiple advantages of broadcasting your activities with SeeMe:


    Broadcast your movements wherever you are


    Give your friends and relatives peace of mind on each outing


    Remain visible at all times with your position in real time


    Let others know the track youre on and where youre headed


    Analyse a wealth of data and stats on your last activity (total distance, time, accumulated ascent, cadence, power...).


How the service works




Once youre registered your contacts, go out and enjoy your favourite activity. Launch the broadcast by pressing: Status bar > Broadcast. Over the course of your activity, check the status bar to quickly verify that the broadcast is still active (if SeeMeis working, the broadcast icon will be on).


Once you start the broadcast, the people on your contact list will automatically receive an e-mail inviting them to follow along (you can invite up to 10 people). This e-mail will give them access to the GO platform, where they can track you live. This link can be shared with other people or on social media, meaning anyone with the link will be able to follow you live. Friends and relatives will be able to see your activity broadcast on a map of the area youre in and analyse a large amount of data on your performance. All this information will be updated in real time as you move.



Your device will send positions every so often (5 minutes), with several parameters in each transmission. If you lose the signal at some point on your route, the data will be stored and broadcast again when the signal is recovered. The broadcast will finish when you end your activity, or automatically if your position doesnt change for one hour.


Depending on your activity, you can use a SeeMebroadcast to go a step further. For example, if you usually practice sports with other enthusiasts, use SeeMeto meet up at a common gathering point or so your friends will know where they can join you in your activity. And if you like to work out, once you finish training, SeeMewill show you your progress along the route to help you improve on your next outing.