4.6.2   Data analysis



In addition to storing your uploaded activities and syncing them with other devices, with GO youll be able to check all the activities available on the cloud. Now you wont have to wait until you get home to analyse your last outing. Access http://Go.TwoNav.com and click on any route to:


    See any itinerary laid out on a map of the area.


    Analyse multiple data fields recorded on the track (time, total distance, average speed, pace, altitude, ascent...)


    Check altitude and speed graphs


    Add a description to each activity


    Sort activities by type of sport


    Use a time filter to manage activities (week, month and year)


    Open tracks directly in Land


    Download a file for the activity (*.TRK or *.GPX format)


    Share the activity by e-mail or on social media (Facebook and Twitter)