5.1.5   Autolaps


Functions accessible from: 'Main menu > Settings > Activity profiles > Autolaps'



Your device can display audio and visual pop up alarms at every lap change (every kilometer, every hour... or according to your needs). Laps are equal divisions of the track split based on a default interval set by you. If you enable the division of tracks by laps ('Main menu > Settings > Activity profiles > Autolaps'), during your itinerary, you will get a periodic report about your performance with relevant information (pace, mean speed, climb, descent...). The division of the track in equal laps is very useful to analyse all kinds of information and achieve a better performance lap after lap (mainly designed for training purposes):


    Distance/Time autolap: Set the default value to create the division of the track in laps. Once you have reached the default value, a brand new lap will start lasting the same as the interval value.


    Alarm on lap change: The device can display a visual warning (pop up window) each time you complete a lap.


    Information on lap change: If 'Alarm on lap change’ is enabled, define which data field you want to displayed at the pop up window. This value has been recorded during that specific lap.


NOTE: You can also start a brand new lap at any moment pressing 'Change lap' at the tool bar.