Check full list of tool bar buttons and their usage. These buttons are displayed in tool bar, but you can configure which buttons to show according to your needs from ‘Main menu > Settings > Activity profiles > Map view > Tool bar’:


    3D mode: Switch between viewing modes (‘2D > 3D > 3D+’).


    Activate GPS: Start/Stop GPS connection.


    Alternate maps: The device superimposes maps, so that you can display two or more maps at the same time at map page.


    Close tools: Button to easily close the tool bar mode.


    Emergency: A SeeMe emergency message is sent. All your contacts will receive an information message (SMS and email) with your location to let them know you have a problem.


    FF to next  (:): Jump to next event of the itinerary.


    FF (8): Accelerate the itinerary. Press it again to apply normal speed.


    Full screen: Most of user interface elements will be hidden to get a wider view of the map.


    Lap: Creates a new lap of the same track starting in the current position.


    Less detailed map: The device will try to load a map of lower resolution than the currently loaded.


    Man over board: If some falls into the water, route will be automatically calculated to that point.


    Mark e-Roadbook point: Create new e-Roadbook waypoint in current position with default name and icon.


    Mark waypoint: Create new waypoint in current position with default name and icon.


    Mark and edit waypoint: Create new waypoint in current position and access to its properties, so that you can customize them.


    More detailed map: The device will try to load a map of higher resolution than the currently loaded.


    Mute: Sound level is totally reduced.


    Navigate: Choose the destination that you are about to navigate.


    New waypoint: Choose where to create new waypoint and access to its properties, so that you can customize them.


    Next waypoint: When navigating, switch to the next waypoint (only visible when navigating a route which contains waypoints).


    Open: Open any file.


    Orient map: Track up/North up.


    Page: Access to data pages.


    Panning/Rotate: Map movement mode.


    Pause (;): Pause the itinerary. Press it again to resume the simulation.


    Previous waypoint: When navigating, switch to the previous waypoint (only visible when navigating a route which contains waypoints).


    RW to previous (9): Jump to previous event of the itinerary.


    RW (7): Accelerate the itinerary in reverse. Press it again to apply normal speed.


    Screenshot: A screen picture is automatically taken.


    Shutdown screen: When pressed, screen is directly turned off.


    Start/Stop: Pause or stop your current navigation.


    Stop (n): Stop the itinerary.


    Synchronize TrackAttack: Automatically places the ‘Virtual coach’ at your current position.


    Take photo: A photo picture is automatically taken using the camera of the device.


    Window zoom: Draw an area on the map to zoom to it.


    Zoom 100%: Zoom will be automatically set displaying map at its maximum resolution.


NOTE: Due to platform restrictions, some functions may only be available in certain devices.