Review the list of functions you can assign the device's keys. You can configure the function of each key according to your own needs from 'Main Menu > Settings > System > Keys’:


    Alternate maps: The device superimposes maps, so that you can display two or more maps at the same time at map page.


    Emergency: A SeeMe emergency message is sent. All your contacts will receive an information message (SMS and email) with your location to let them know you have a problem.


    Lap: Creates a new lap of the same track starting in the current position.


    Lock (Screen On): Lock the device buttons.


    Lock: Lock the device buttons and turn off the screen.


    Main menu: Access the main menu of the device.


    Map page: Access the map page where you can see your position in real time.


    Mark and edit waypoint: Create new waypoint in current position and access to its properties, so that you can customize them.


    Mark waypoint: Create new waypoint in current position with default name and icon.


    Mute: Sound level is totally reduced.


    Next page: Access the following data page.


    Previous page: Access the previous data page.


    Screenshot: A screen picture is automatically taken.


    Shutdown: Turn off the device.


    Start/Stop: Pause or stop your current navigation.


    Zoom in: Zoom in on the map page for a better detail.


    Zoom out: Reduce the zoom level on the map page for a more general view.


NOTE: Due to platform restrictions, some functions may only be available in certain devices.