Check full list of data fields and their usage. These fields are displayed in the data pages and the data bar, but you can configure which fields to show according to your needs from ‘Main menu > Settings > Full settings > Map page > Data bar’:
• Accumulated climb: Total amount climbed from the begining of itinerary up to the current position.
• Accumulated descent: Total amount descended from the begining of itinerary up to the current position.
• Air pressure: Present atmospheric pressure provided by the barometric altimeter.
• Altitude at next: Predicted altitude to next waypoint if current trajectory is maintained.
• Altitude ground level: Altitude from the ground level.
• Altitude: Altitude from the sea level.
• Ascent to destination: Difference between the altitude of destination and current altitude.
• Ascent to next: Difference between the altitude of current waypoint and the next waypoint.
• Barometric altitude: Altitude provided by the barometric altimeter.
• Battery: Remaining energy in your device.
• Bearing to next: Course towards to the next waypoint.
• Bearing: Current course.
• Chronometer: Starts counting when started.
• City: Current city.
• Compass: Compass representation.
• Coordinates: Coordinates of the current position.
• Croquis: Image displaying manoeuvres.
• Current depth: Current depth value taking as reference the nautical chart.
• Current pace: Speed in minute/kilometer.
• Current power: Current power at this moment.
• Depth at next: Depth value at next waypoint
• Depth at prow line: Current depth value at prow line.
• Deviation from route: Distance to active route.
• Differential GPS: GPS gives differential signal (submetric accuracy).
• Distance to destination: Distance to destination (last waypoint of the route).
• Distance to next radar: Distance to next radar point.
• Distance to next: Distance to the next waypoint.
• Distance to Virtual Coach: Distance between your current position and the position of the ‘Virtual Coach’.
• Estimated hour at destination: Estimated time of arrival to destination (last waypoint of the route) at present speed.
• Estimated hour at next: Estimated time of arrival to the next waypoint (at present speed).
• Estimated time to destination (cruise): Estimated time to reach destination (last waypoint of the route) at cruise speed.
• Estimated time to destination: Estimated time to reach destination (last waypoint of the route) at current speed.
• Estimated time to next (cruise): Estimated time to reach next waypoint at cruise speed.
• Estimated time to next: Estimated time to reach next waypoint at current speed.
• Free memory: Remaining memory in your device.
• GOTO arrow: Arrow that indicates the course towards to the next waypoint.
• GPS altitude: Present altitude provided by GPS rerceives via satellites.
• Graph: Representation of the track being covered.
• HDOP: Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (estimated current accuracy of the GPS).
• %HRR: Heart Rate Reserve.
• Heart rate zone (% Max.): Predefined heart rate intensity zones.
• Heart rate zone (% Max-Rest): Predefined heart rate intensity zones (Cardiac frequency in reserve).
• L/D instant glide ratio: Glide ratio dividing horizontal distance by vertical (descending).
• L/D goal: Minimum glide ratio required to reach your goal (going through all intermediate waypoints).
• L/D required: Minimum glide ratio required to reach next waypoint (distance to waypoint divided by waypoint’s altitude over ground level).
• Land altitude: Altitude of the land provided by the 3D relief map (*.CDEM).
• Lap odometer: Distance covered from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position. Value reseted every time a new lap section is started.
• Lap chronometer: Time elapsing the current lap section from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position.
• Lap mean speed: Average of all speeds values from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position.
• Lap mean pace: Average of all pace values from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position (speed in minute/kilometer).
• Lap accumulated climb: Total amount climbed from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position.
• Lap accumulated descent: Total amount descended from the begining of the current lap section up to the current position.
• Magnetic bearing: Course followed according to the inner device compass.
• Maximum altitude: Reached during your itinerary.
• Maximum power: Maximum power achieved from the begining of itinerary.
• Maximum speed: Maximum speed in current itinerary.
• Mean moving pace: Average of all pace values above the minimum speed movement.
• Mean moving speed: Average of all speeds values above the minimum speed movement.
• Mean pace: Average of all pace values.
• Mean power: Average of all power values.
• Mean speed: Average of all speeds values.
• Moving pace: Average of all pace values avoiding stopped points.
• Next radar speed: Displays maximum speed allowed by the next radar.
• Next slope: Slope till the distance set at 'Next slope distance'.
• Next waypoint name: Name of the following waypoint.
• Normal acceleration: Perpendicular to movement in circular movements.
• Number of points: Track points saved up to current position.
• Partial CO2 emission: CO2 emission from the beginning of itinerary. Value reseted every time TwoNav is turned off.
• Partial energy: Partial odometer energy.
• Partial mean speed: Average of all speeds values from the beginning of itinerary up to this moment.
• PDOP: Position Dilution Of Precision (estimated current position accuracy of the GPS).
• Place name: Name of the element of your current position.
• Precision: Error margin of the GPS.
• Radar icon: Displays an icon when entering the radius of a radar.
• Radius turn: Radius of the turn that you are taking at the moment.
• Route graph: Representation of the route being covered.
• Route percentage: Percentage of the route that has been already done.
• Signpost: If available, road indications are displayed.
• Slope to destination: Remaining slope till destination is reached.
• Slope to next kilometer: Remaining slope from your current position to 1 kilometer.
• Slope to next waypoint: Slope from your current position to next waypoint.
• Slope: Slope of your current movement.
• Speed limit: Speed limit established for the current road.
• Speed: Current speed.
• Stopped time: Total amount of time without moving.
• Sunrise: Sunrise time.
• Sunset: Sunset time.
• Tangential acceleration: Component of linear acceleration tangent to the path.
• Temperature: Current temperature.
• Time in movement: Total amount of time moving.
• Time to Virtual Coach: Time difference between you and the ‘Virtual Coach’.
• Time without paquet: Elapsed time since last time GPS signal was received.
• Time: Current time according to the selected time zone.
• Total CO2 emission: CO2 emission of all your trips. Value not automatically reseted every time TwoNav is turned off.
• Total energy: Total odometer energy.
• Total odometer: Accumulated distance of all your trips. Value not automatically reseted every time TwoNav is turned off. (TwoNav can calculate the total distance using different data calculations).
• Track file name: Name of the current track.
• Trip odometer: Distance covered from the beginning of itinerary. Value reseted every time TwoNav is turned off.
• Used satellites: Satellites fixed in current position.
• VDOP: Vertical Dilution Of Precision (estimated current vertical accuracy of the GPS).
• Velocity made good: Right direction’s velocity component to the following waypoint.
• Vertical speed: Descending speed (vertical component of speed value).
• Virtual free memory: Virtual free memory in your device.
NOTE: Due to platform restrictions, some functions may only be available in certain TwoNav platforms.