At this point, you can start the navigation.
Once started, you can review 'Trip control' at any moment ('Main menu > Trip control'). This page brings you some of the most elementary information of your itinerary (current status of your trip).
‘Triplog’ is the command in charge of recording your itinerary, once the 'Triplog' command has been started you can pause it at any time you wish:
• Start!/Pause: Press this button to start the trip (select destination), or to pause it at any moment (data fields, recorded track and other functions are synchronized, so you will pause all counters until the trip is resumed again).
• Stop: Press this button to finish the current trip and stop 'Triplog'.
The track of your trip is saved at ‘Tracklog’ folder. But you can directly review your recorded tracks from the list of tracks (‘Main menu > Files > Tracks > Tracklog’).
A security system has been added to TwoNav in order to avoid losing tracks in case you forget to start ‘Triplog’ function. If the option 'Save discarded Tracklog in trash' is enabled, when options 'Pause' or 'Finish trip' are pressed, the following movements will be automatically recorded as backup track copy inside ‘TwoNavData/Data/Tracklog/Trash’ folder.
NOTE: If you record more than one track at the same day, file’s names will be distinguished by a number at the end of the file name. This number identifies the order in which the tracks were created (for example: ‘2008-12-15-01.TRK’, ‘2008-12-15-02.TRK’…).