Enter the properties of a map from: ‘Main menu > Files > Maps > Press the name of any opened element’:
• Name: Name of the map file.
• Description: Short description about the map by the provider.
• Type: Type of map.
• Scale: Ratio between the distance of two points represented on the map and their real distance on terrain.
• Resolution: Relation between the distance of the ground in meters and a pixel (meters/pixel). A fewer number will represent a more detailed map.
• Primary: In case of conflict between maps, if this field is marked, other maps will be adapted to this one.
• Projection: Projection used to calibrate the map. There are several types of cartographic projections classified depending on the areas they cover.
• Extension: Width and height of the area covered by the map.
• Rows/Columns: Number of rows/columns the landscape is made up of (altitude/width)
• Datum: Used to translate the positions of elements (waypoints/tracks/routes) to the exact position on the earth. Datum systems are needed because the earth is an imperfect ellipsoid. Choose the most suitable datum for the map that are working with.
• Memory used: RAM memory used by the uncompressed map.
• Image: Name and size of the image used to produce the resulting map as well as the color quality of the map.
• Transparent: Regulate the level of transparency of the map allowing you to work with several maps at the same time overlapping them in different layers.
• Calibrating points: Number of points used to calibrate the map.
• Far/Near zoom: Maximum and minimum zoom values between which the map is visible on the screen. These values allow to enlarge or decrease the size of the map up to the limitation of these settings.
• Errors received: Comments regarding the map.