Advanced operations that can be perfomed on tracks:
• Import altitudes: If you have a 3D relief map loaded (*.CDEM file), TwoNav will assign to each point of the track its altitude considering the information of the loaded relief map.
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• Delete stopped points start/end: Track will omit the repetitive points from the beginning and the end where you stopped before and after making the track.
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• Reduce the number of points: Track will be drawn by keeping the shape of the original track but according to the number of points that you introduce.
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• Assign time/speed: Determine a time for departure and a constant speed so that TwoNav will calculate the estimated time of arrival for each point in the track.
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09:30:15 |
50 km/h |
• Delete aberrant points: Points deviating excessively from the track will be considered errors, and so deleted.
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• Graph representation of tracks: Display a graph representation of your track, just enter the properties of the element and press the button ‘Graph representation’. These are the available functions on graphs:
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•Guiding Y axis: Bar serving as moving axis.
•Moving graph: Use ‘Zoom’ buttons to sections of the graph with more detailed precision (graph scrolling can also be applied by dragging the graph up and down as well as laterally).
•Automatic re-center: Press ‘Re-center’ button to automatically re-center the graph.
• Invert track: In order to display a track in the opposite sense to the default one (the begining at the end and vicecersa), open the contextual menu of the track and select ‘Tools > Reverse the track’.
• Convert a track into a route: In order to change a track into a route, open the contextual menu of the track and press ‘Tools > Change into a route’.
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• Create separate laps on an existing track: You may split the track in several laps by opening the contextual menu on the point that divides the two selected laps and select ‘Laps > Change lap here’. At this moment, the lap closer to the end of the track will change color to highlight the difference between the two lap.
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