In order to create an e-Roadbook you need several essential tools:
• A track
• The book where items are stored with the images and descriptions
• Land/Air software (Windows/Mac platforms)
Follow next steps to create an e-Roadbook file using Land/Air software:
1. Install Land/Air in your computer (Windows/Mac platforms), more information at
2. Start Land/Air software and open the track file. Track will appear at ‘Track’ section at the data tree.
3. Once opened, open its contextual menu and select ‘Edit roadbook’. A new window will appear containing all waypoints of the track.
4. Now you can edit the e-Roadbook points with relevant information:
• Description: Write important manoeuvres, information about monuments, notable facts…
• Croquis: Associate image showing navigation signs for an easy orientation.
IMPORTANT: To associate images you should edit, cut and save them using a suitable format (*.BMP) and size (128x128 pix.), so that they can fit TwoNav interface. Search for the right image editor to edit pictures.
5. If you wish, add files to the waypoints of the e-Roadbook using one of these methods:
• Drag files from Windows/Mac explorer: Keep the left mouse button pressed on the file and drag it to the waypoint.
• Drag files from internet browser: Drag them directly from browser. Just drag the image to waypoint at the data tree.
• Add them manually: From ‘Associated’ section at waypoint properties.
6. Additionally, if you want to create new roadbook points somewhere else in the track, place the mouse at the exact location on the track, open the contextual menu on that point and press ‘Create a roadbook point here’.
7. Repeat this action for each e-Roadbook point that you want to highlight.
8. Save the resulting file in *.BTRK format: Open contextual menu on the track file and select ‘Save’.
9. Send the resulting file to your TwoNav device: Use ‘Send to’ function.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete the e-Roadbook in *.TRK format since the resulting *.BTRK is not editable. If you want to change any parameter, modify the *.TRK file and save it again in *.BTRK format.