8.7   Autonomy


Maximize the autonomy of your device while running TwoNav:


     Battery level



     Energy mode: TwoNav offers several predefined modes to improve the energy consumption of the device during your outdoor activities. Each mode adjusts the following features to different levels:


     High performance: Brightness kept at 100%, No auto-shutdown screen applied, GPS continuos connection.


     Standard: Brightness down to 50%, Auto-shutdown screen applied, GPS continuos connection.


     Low consumption: Brightness down to 25%, Quick auto-shutdown screen applied, GPS intermitent connection (connection interval every 30 seconds).


     Survival: Brightness down to 25%, Quick auto-shutdown screen applied, GPS intermitent connection (connection interval every 5 minutes).


     Customized: You can adjust the previous settings according to your needs.


IMPORTANT: In order to save energy, 'Low consumption' and 'Survival' modes disconnect the GPS at intervals, this will reduce the accuracy of the recorded track and distance values may not be accurate.


     Shutdown screen: Time interval to automatically switch the screen off.


     Shutdown backlight: Time interval to automatically switch the backlight function off (screen is still on). Shutting down screen saves more energy than shutting down backlight function.



     Brightness: Set the general brightness level for the screen.

     Do not shutdown if plugged: If enabled, screen shutdown time is not applied, leaving the device with the screen on during all the trip.


     Connection interval: Improve the autonomy of the device by setting the connection interval of the GPS. If connection is intermitent, GPS will be disconnected during intervals, track will be recorded but position will not be detected until GPS connection is established again.


     Continuous connection

     Intermitent connection


     Disconnect GPS when stop: TwoNav will detect a stop in your itinerary and will automatically disconnect the device. Remember to reconnect the GPS when you resume your itineray.


     Protection against unplug: In order to prevent the device from discharging, in case it is disconnected accidentally from the power source, TwoNav will detect the unplugging. If no interaction is done, TwoNav will shut down after 30 minutes.