4.5   SeeMe™



SeeMeis an exclusive service that gives your GPS device connectivity anywhere in the world. Thanks to its autonomous wireless communication technology, it can transfer data from wherever you are. The SeeMeservice offers the following features:


    Broadcast your position live: Your broadcast contacts will be able to follow your activities live as they watch your route on a map and monitor parameters like distance, ascent and speed. Go out an explore safe in the knowledge that your loved ones know where you are at all times.


    Send emergency alerts: Your emergency contacts will receive an alert (SMS and e-mail) when you press the emergency button on your device. That way theyll know your location and that youre in trouble.


SeeMe™ connection types


You can use SeeMe™ on your device according to the following connection modes:


    Via SIM card: You can stay visible without a mobile phone, without draining your mobile battery and without having to rely on its coverage. This connectivity is provided thanks to the integrated SIM card, which gives the GPS device 2G GSM connectivity. This means the availability of the service will depend on the 2G GSM coverage, which is widespread in Europe and North America, but may not exist in specific countries or areas.


IMPORTANT: SeeMeis a renewable subscription service. These features require an active subscription that you can manage from http://www.TwoNav.com/OS


Register contacts


The broadcast and emergency contacts are different:


    Broadcast contacts:


    Maximum number of contacts: 10


    Information: Contact name and e-mail


    How it works: When you start an activity, your contacts will receive an e-mail with a link where they can follow your activity live.


    Emergency contacts:


    Maximum number of contacts: 2


    Information required: Name, e-mail and mobile number of the contacts


    How it works: When you press the Emergencybutton, your contacts will receive an SMS and e-mail with your current location.





Follow the steps below to activate the SeeMe™ service on your device:


1.   To set up SeeMe™, you must first register your device at http://www.twonav.com/os


2.   After registering your device, you will receive an email from TwoNav with login details to access your TwoNav account. Then click ‘Go to myTwoNav’.


3.   Once logged into myTwoNav, go to ‘MyProducts > SeeMe™’ tab and click ‘Edit SeeMe™ contacts’. You will then be redirected to ‘Settings’ in your GO account (this uses the same login details as your myTwoNav account) to set up your SeeMe™ contacts.


    Under ‘Alert contact’ click ‘Add contact’ to input your emergency contacts. During an activity, press the ‘Emergency’ button on your GPS device and your specified contacts will automatically receive an email and SMS containing your exact location.


    Under ‘Broadcast contacts’, click ‘Add contact’ to add several contacts who you want to be able to follow your outdoor activities and track you live, in real-time As soon as you start an activity, if the ‘Broadcast’ feature is activated, your contacts will receive an email with a link to follow your activity in real-time.  


If you registered your GPS some time ago and forgot to add contacts, you can manage them from your personal space on the GO web portal (http://Go.TwoNav.com). Go to ‘Main menu > SeeMe™’ and add them. And if your contact list is set up, you can edit it and add other contacts from the GO portal whenever you want.


IMPORTANT: When you enter a contact, theyll receive a request that they must accept in order to receive SeeMenotifications. If they dont accept your contact request, they wont get any messages.